04 Apr Tracking Your Fitness Goal Has Never Been Easier!
The fear of technology is a thing of the past. Long gone, is this notion that modern technology is something we should fear. I mean… just this blog, for instance, would take about twice as long to complete if I had to write out everything by hand, and even then, how would I be able to spread the information to our followers without hand-delivering or mailing individual copies?! It just doesn’t make sense! Now, more than ever, people want the most up-to-date means of communication, the newest gadgets, and the current solutions to solve life’s hurdles.
Tech Advancements Are At a Constant Sprint Forward
Roughly three-quarters of Americans now own a smartphone. That’s 77% of the population! Those stats come from the Pew Research Center’s survey conducted in November 2016. To put that number in perspective, just 5 years earlier it was 35% of Americans. That’s over double the amount of smartphone users in a very short time!
Now, I know that what you’re wondering: Why is Marshall talking about gadgets on a fitness blog? Well, it’s because the technology we carry with us all of the time is more than a tool to just take photos, text, make calls, and play games. There are health and fitness apps now that can track your steps, tell you how many floors you’ve climbed, and track the distance you’ve traveled. All of this is available on your smartphone!
Smartphones are (obviously) extremely common with young people. 92% of 18- to 29-year-olds own one. But they are becoming just as popular with Americans 50 and older. Nearly three-quarters (74%) of Americans ages 50-64 are now smartphone owners (a 16% increase compared with 2015).
Gone are the days when you had to lug around your bulky phone in order to track your progress. Phones aren’t getting smaller – that’s clear every time you step into a cell phone provider store. So tech companies got smarter. How can people get the same tracking results without having a huge flat-screen TV connected to them at times?
Now More Than Ever People Are Interested In Using Fitness Bands
Fitness trackers and smartwatches aren’t just a passing fad. This time last year, 12% of US consumers own a fitness band or a smartwatch of some kind, according to a Kantar Wearable Technology report. The American College of Sports Medicine says that the trend won’t be going anywhere in 2017—and in fact, it will only get bigger. Recent updates from brands like Garmin, Apple, and Fitbit have sent the trend to number one for the upcoming year.
You can work out and have free range of motion with one of these handy tools and never have to worry about wires getting in the way or other interruptions in your workout like phone calls or emails from the office. Today’s wearables track distance, provide heart rate readings, and so much more. Fitness bands like Fitbit are more comprehensive when it comes to tracking your results, but… THEY CAN’T DO IT ALL. At the end of the day, they don’t have the motivational push that you get from a coach or trainer.
Faster Fitness is Combining Personal & Group Training With New Technology
That plastic band is not going to do it all. You don’t need me to tell you that. When you wake up and start your day, you need to be the one to decide what you want to do. Are you going to push the snooze button and then later rush to work with a gas station donut in your mouth, or are you going to take the necessary steps to live a healthier and more fit life?
Even on those days when you decide to get up and get moving, it can still be hard to fight the urge to slack off in your workout routine. That’s why it is so important to find a personal trainer or group personal trainer that can guide you on those tough days. The trainers at Faster Fitness are not just there to whip you into shape, they are there to motivate you, support you, and provide accountability. We put the PERSONAL in personal training, and pride ourselves in truly caring about each and every client. Our number one goal as personal trainers in St. Louis is for you to see results. Seeing you succeed lets us know that what we’re doing is working. And now, we’re able to track and follow your development like never before!
Faster Fitness now combines the personal with the technological. In February of this year, we put into action MZ-3. This fitness belt from My Zone is designed with YOU in mind. This comprehensive tool tracks your stats while working out, and you never have to worry about accidentally leaving it at home. Faster Fitness provides it to you when you come in for your training session, but we encourage people to purchase their own belt. It’s a comfortable band that goes around your core, which has a tracking device connected to it to monitor your internal and external condition.
MyZone turns your stats into a fun and interactive game projected on our display screen, so that you can always see if you need to push yourself more or less. You can even turn it into a friendly competition among others in the session! Our members love seeing their heart rate jump and feeling like they got a great workout! In the end, this creates a fun atmosphere to push yourself compared to the standard gym experience where you’re forced to go it alone.
At the end of your workout, you can keep up with you and your friend’s stats through the MyZone app! If you have your own band, just create a profile and you will be able to stay on top of your progress when you’re at the office, at home, or on the go. The MyZone Fitness Calendar can show you how close you are to your fitness goals. And as always, the trainers at Faster Fitness will be there for you every step of the way, offering fitness tips and nutritional guidance.
MyZone and Faster Fitness are the perfect pairing – combining a personal experience with the right tools for success!