31 May Exercise: Plate Halos
Do you want to learn an awesome core exercise? Then let me introduce you to Plate Halos.
Halos are a great exercise to teach your body to stay aligned through dynamic movement. See, crunching movements aren’t the only way to work your core.
In this movement, the muscles of the abs, obliques and lower back help maintain postural alignment through isometrical contractions. Other examples of awesome core movements are deadlifts, squats and other complex movements for the same reasons. And while these are great movements,challenging your body with different angles and movements helps to optimize your performance and appearance.
If you’ve ever heard fitness people talk about training in different movement planes, this is what they’re talking about. Movements such as Plate Halos challenge both the muscles and sequence of their contractions ideally, which translates into other exercises such as a squats and lunges. So it all comes full circle 🙂
Check out the video below on how to do Plate Halo’s properly:
To recap:
Plate Halos work the core muscles and is great for conditioning. Below is the recommended training parameters:
Sets: 3-4 Sets
Reps: 24-30 Reps, alternating sides or for 30-40 Seconds
Weight Ranges:Women: 10-25 Lbs,Men: 25-45 Lbs
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