Stretching Classes

Foam Roller

Stretching Classes

Stretching is essential to having a balanced body. But how much stretching do we really need?

Everyone is different. If you’ve sat at a desk for 50 years, you’re going to be pretty stiff.

But did you know that you can stretch too much? It’s true. Excessive stretching has little benefit and actually leads to instability at your joints and weakened muscles.

So what’s the right balance?

That’s a great question, and one that can only be answered if you come in for a mobility assessment. When performed properly, you should not have more than 15-20 min of stretching a day, and this duration is only needed for people with severe mobility issues.

Another overlooked aspect of mobility training is foam rolling. Using foam rollers, lacrosse balls and other more advanced mobility tools are great to release adhesion’s in the muscles and stretch tight fascia that gets shortened from chronically poor posture, like sitting all day. If this step is skipped, the muscles are unstretchable, so knowing the minimum effective dose of each step is paramount.

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Foam rolling is a part of our injury prevention strategy.

Foam rolling is a part of our mobility and injury prevention strategy.

At Faster Fitness, we base our program on science and we make achieving and maintaining optimal flexibility a part of Group Personal Training classes and Personal Training program.

To start, we provide a custom rolling routine to loosen up tight areas. Then we perform specific dynamic stretches pre-workout to mobilize your tight tissues and rebalance your body to be aligned properly. This will also wake up your central nervous system (CNS) to get you fired up and ready to get the most out ofyour workouts.

After that, we strengthen your body through full range of motion movements. This will make the range of motion permanent and give you functional strength that prevents injuries.

Finally, we provide a custom post workout and off day stretching routine that helps you achieve and maintain optimal flexibility.

If you would like more information on how stretching classes at Faster Fitness can help you improve your flexibility, performance and body, please contact us at 314-962-2255 or leave your information below:[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


About the Author: Marshall Ray

Marshall Ray is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), Level 2 Poliquin International Certified Strength Coach (PICP), Biosignature Practitioner and a certified Precision Nutrition Coach (Pn1). He is the founder of Faster Fitness and co-founder of Femme Fit. He's passionate about building a community of people who love fitness and taking control of their health.